Data privacy and security
Summon makes every effort to protect the end consumer's security and privacy.
Regularly update system
We consistently carry out regular updates to maintain the efficient operation of our system and protect it from potential security risks
Encrypt Customer Data
Sensitive personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, and credit card details are masked and encrypted.
Strict protection policies
We do not sell any data to any third-party and we have implemented strict access and visibility rules for valet operators to ensure optimal protection.
Client training
We promote secure handling of customer data by providing proper training and guidance to valet employees on best practices for data protection.
Permissions and access
There are different levels of data visibility and permission for runners, supervisors, and operators to mitigate potential risks.
Secured authentication
We limit the access to customer data for valet personnel, restricting it to their specific shift and only with an invitation from the account admin.